
A Day at the Vitra Design Museum

For the ones who don't know, I bought a new car a week ago and I have decided that the first longer route should be to the famous Vitra Design Museum.

For this purpose I took a friend with me and in my red cabriolet, we directed ourselves to a beautiful day!

As always when you visit some modern art museums, you can find some "interesting" artwork. 

This vase for example really amazed me! I truly think that the idea to stick some images on a blank white vase is fun!

Aaaand if you like cats like, then you'll probably find this one sweet as I do! Purr purr!!

For your information, this was a hanging lamp, not a Christmas decoration.

The fun part here was that I went with my best friend from high school times and due to the fact that she studied interior architecture, she looked at the items and randomly you could hear: "Oh, this is from Charles and Ray Eames.", "This is a George Nelson clock." or like with this lamp "This might be from Verner Panton!" with her surprise when she discovered that it really was from him!

If you have ever been at the Vitra Design Museum, you will know that you can sit at the compositions and take the decorations in your own hands. So I sat at this desk, imagined myself to write some letter and then took a mug just like I would do in my office... A really snazzy office, but so cool! By the way, I looove the big windows at the museum!

For lunch, we stayed at the Depot Deli at the Vitra Campus. It was sunny and we had about 14°C, so Lil' and I decided to eat at the terrace. Eating outside in February is kind of liberating, you know?! We surely enjoyed our time and we were soooo relaxed! We took it easy!

And finally the child in me had to skid down from the Vitra Slide Tower! I had not been sliding down from such things in years!! I had to laugh so much! It was really fun! I am a kid after all...

Finally, I want to leave you with a citation from Charles Eames.

And I'd like to add that this is not specific to products, but probably to everything. A person with her characteristic, a memory with its peculiarities, a day with its moments!

A special thank goes to my Lil' who has stood and supported me for years and who by the way had the patience for taking all my pictures! 

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  • #1

    Lilly (Samstag, 23 Februar 2019 18:53)

    <3 war ein schöner tag - danke :* und ich spiele doch gern fotograf ;)