
Detox? Clean 9!

Who follows me on Instagram and watches my stories, may know that I started a detox program this week. Why? How? Here are some answers as I got a few questions!


I was at lunch with some colleagues when we started to talk about eating and clean eating especially. One of them marked out her passion for fitness and nutrition, explaining that she had also coached some people with weight problems.

Since I have noticed a change in my diet, from the moment that I started working in the office, I asked her what could be a well-balanced meal. We had a conversation about what I have regularly eaten in the last months and she kindly proposed an appointment for a talk with included measurements.


What I found out is that I have eaten too much saturated fats - such as in cheese and in little piece of sweets -,  too much wheat which I know isn't that good for my specific health and too little proteins... but I simply was not conscious about it! By the way, I should also let my fingers off dairy products... and I do not always make it. So in the first place, the talk helped my in being more conscious about what I generally eat.


After that, she measured me... and guess what? I do not have enough muscles for my body... Well, that is no surprise after noticing that I do not eat enough proteins.

Now, I could have simply converted my diet and would have started a high in protein one but I went a step further in agreement with my - now official - nutritionist.

On Wednesday I started the "Clean 9" program - basically shakes and dietary supplements! Okay... maybe this sounds a bit harsch, so let's get deeper into it.


"Clean 9" is a 9 days-program which helps to detoxify your body in order to start the new intended diet. The body will be recovered and consequently work better.

In the first two days, one really drinks only the shake and an Aloe Vera Juice - which I personally find really tasty! - besides some supplements. From the third day on, one is allowed to consume a 300 calories meal and to snack some specific vegetables during the day.

Today is my forth day and I have to admit that I have not suffered from hunger at all. Quite the contrary... as the shake tastes as a chocolate milk shake, I also do not have lust for sweets! Actually, it is also too sweet for my taste... 


After the nine days, I will convert my diet based on some custom-made suggestions from my nutritionist. In the last two days I have eaten salmon and turkey. So yes, I myself, am also more conscious about my protein supply. 


For the moment, I feel good. I did not have headaches or anything like that and I am taking care of my body which actually makes me quite happy! Let's see how it will go further!

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