

Do you have self-discipline?

I can't tell of myself that I have no self-discipline but maybe not as much as I wanted to. Sometimes it is harder and sometimes easier. But I am sure that if we would all be a little more disciplined, we would be happier in the whole... also just because we would be a little more prouder of ourselves and that's a good feeling, isn't it?


I think that anyway it is a lot easier to be disciplined if you a goal in mind or if you have a plan.

For example, I graduated from university after 3 years as I wanted to. Not because I rushed but because I wanted it like this and I worked for it, to become true - and I know that sometimes there are things which might come in your way and you have no power over them, so I am happy that this was not the case and I could follow my plan.


But only having a plan is not enough for me sometimes.

I noticed something that I am more willing to do something if I have told someone earlier. I feel more committed to the task which I have in mind. It is like I want to complete it also to fulfil the expectations of the people whom I told the task. So, if I actually really want to do something and I know that I might step back for any possible reason, I tell somebody of it and following I will make some more efforts to accomplish it. It might sound silly. I am kind of teasing myself, you might think and maybe you are right but in the end I will achieve the - also from me - expected result! And this is great!


For today, I wanted to give you these tips or little pieces of advice as I think that it would be soo nice if we could learn from one-another. So now it is your turn!

What are your tips and tricks to achieve a goal and be disciplined? 
Please, share them in the comments!

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