
Analogical vs. digital

There is an Italian song from the 80's which at a certain point during the night scenario says: "[...] Being crazy and coming down your apartment, throwing stones to the lightened window, kicking at the closed door." (Here I want to specify that the song is actually a love one. He just wants his woman back.) Nowadays, I feel that the equivalent to that is calling you multiple times at 1:30 am and hanging up immediately. 


You see? Everything passes by this little device, we call phone. Everything is digital. Of course, especially in these Corona times digitalisation has helped us a lot! But I feel we actually abuse of it a bit sometimes. I do not know if the poetry of the Italian song comes through although I can assure you there is a lot in it. But in my opinion calling someone and hanging up - even though it might have the same effect - simply is not the same.


Who is not happy by a "Happy birthday"-message? But how much more value does a card have? Who does not love a "Good morning"-message? But how much more beautiful is it to do breakfast joint? I do not think I am grown up in the wrong era - unless for my music taste sometimes - but I think that the analogical way has something more at the human level to offer. I think it is warmer. 


You know these meet-ups where you do not even think about getting your phone on the table and not because it could disturb or you would be impolite but because there is no necessity? Because you have your head completely in the game! These are my favourite ones, I guess. In such close-ups you show yourself entirely without any distortion. Of course, you are more vulnerable but also this is what human relations are about, right?


I know, I may sound a little hypocritical as you are probably reading this on your phone and not on paper. I do not want to demonise the Digi world. I mostly work from my computer also doing Digital Marketing and I love it! 

Nevertheless, not every part of our existence should pass by these devices. It is only my opinion. Can you relate?

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