
Time to rest

I would not say that I am a person who does not like to act to that is shy to work too much. I actually like to give more so that at the end of the day I can say: "I have earned my loaf tonight!" 


Last year, I remember N. saying to me that I had to be careful with this mentality and that in the end I should care about myself before everyone else. But well... as I am, I actually continued listening to my guts and worked sometimes also harder than I should have. 

Nothing comes out of nothing, so the perspectives, also as the experiences I have today, are credited to my lust of pushing myself to the limits, of accepting new challenges and finally growing all over.


What N. said, was that one can surely act like this for a while but in the end your body will handout some bill to you... and that is when you say: "Now I need some vacation!" It is not about being stressed out or having lots of tasks to do which you cannot accomplish - with the right organisation, you will! But it is about feeling saturated. When you feel like every step seems an higher level of a video game although this is your life, then it is time to rest.


And what I mean by resting is not that you should stay all day long in bed - although if you want to, go with it - but unplug yourself from your routine, so that you can come back again with all energies restored.

In the end, I am pretty sure that most of you will agree with me that when you are tired for whatever reason, you do not perform as good as usually.


All this to say that I am looking forward to my free time up to next week! I will need my three weeks off work but no worries I will continue posting my weekly posts!

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