
Does an exception prove the rule?

Who does not know the saying "The exception that proves the rule"? I first heard it when I was five years old and to be honest I did not understand what that meant... I was the the exception and there was a rule.


The question which I posed myself was: "How is it that with an existing rule, you can make an exception so easily?" And even more important: "How can it prove the rule when it actually dissent this completely?!"

Well, here I want to underline that I was only five years old! Now I would say that it is about the definition.


When you make an exception, you define that this was only an exception and that it does not change the rules. The perfect example for this, is posting this blogpost on a Monday instead of posting it on a Saturday as I have always done since starting this blog. The next blogpost will however be on Saturday again. So I will re-establish the rule and make an exception out of this case.


Another good example is the ugly weather we have today... I became totally soaked in 10 seconds time! And it is the 3rd of August - so actually we are in the middle of summer 2020. Nevertheless there also are colder days of rain which are not the norm and make an exception for the usual beautiful, sunny, warm weather.


So, maybe an exception may not be what proves the rule but surely is not the norm! As the word says, it is an exception! It mostly - in case of the weather we can do little - depends on us letting this exception be only an exception and not letting it become the rule or the norm. 

And this is why, I still do not think that an exception proves any rule because in most cases - e.g. my blogpost today - we are the one deciding what is an exception and what is not.


You know, I am posting on another day as usual and actually this is an exception. But what do you think? Does it prove any rule?

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