
Changing opinion

Listening to a podcast these week, I heard this sentence: "I became the type of person who I would never think, I would be." Why? Because he thought he would be different... But with time he changed into the contrary of what he was. A great contradiction, isn't it?


There are people who condemn this behaviour as such people are not linear.

I do not agree, at least not in condemning them because in my opinion it is actually a virtue to be able to change your mind. Changing opinion demonstrates open-mindedness, evaluation capacities and also the ability to take the responsibility in saying: "I was wrong." and trust me if I state that not everyone will say this!


As oxymoronic as it can sound, I believe that the real contradiction is to never change your opinion and stick to a belief: In life, we constantly learn new things, hear different stories and (hopefully) see different perspectives. Therefor, it is normal and proper that your point of view evolves. A color-blind child maybe does not know the difference between red and green and consequently state that these are the same but growing he could learn that he just because he cannot see it, it does not mean that this is a fact!


Now you could ask: "Yes, but why should this be a contradiction?" Because you cannot learn new things and not comparing them to the rest of what you know. If you are learning, you have to contextualise the new knowledges. If you do not want to, then (and I might sound harsh here, so please excuse me) either you are a someone who does not want to admit you are wrong or you are not (yet) capable of understanding. If you think, I am wrong, please state your opinion.


Lastly, after this dramatic paragraph, I want to add a little detail.

It can also be that you do not change opinion as what you learn only consolidates your beliefs. I only think, that the important thing is to see if there are new arguments which are more valid than yours.

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