
We are all flawy - Cit.

Over the last weeks I prepared my blog posts a few days in advance. As I was inspired and wanted to write immediately, I saved my draft for them to publish on Saturday. But the last two weeks have been a bit much, so to say. There has been a bit of major stress and in the evening I have preferred to consume series over to put the effort in writing - by the way, if you have not, then watch Bridgerton! It is soo good and I love the 21st century string covers! 


This little preamble just to clarify my state of mind the last days - and by the way again: everything's okay. Don't worry! I am also telling you this because there was someone who said that I do not follow my own advice and that what I write is shallow therefor. So, maybe he is right on one side. I do not always follow my advice.


Am I an altruist who preaches good and prays bad? No, it is not that. I believe in what I say and write. It is just that as A. said this week to me: "We are all flawy." I liked that sentence. Sounds poetic, doesn't it?

He said it to me in a moment when I said I disliked the behaviour of someone and my mind switched immediately. I think that there are at least two ways to look at this sentence and I like them both.


The first is that nobody is perfect. So there is no need to really judge as I am probably also doing something which is reprehensible for someone.

The second one is more inclusive. As "We are all flawy", maybe we should also not punish ourselves too much on some aspects. It is human and normal for everybody to have no-days and it might appear as shallow to show always only the best sides.


With this I do not want to say that you actually are allowed to do more mistakes. We all should aim at the best version of ourselves... but remembering that yes, there are some grey days for everyone and yes, that the sun is about to shine brighter and warmer!

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