
Trash TV and stories - are you a fan?

Today, I want to talk a bit about trash tv.

I generally, do not watch a lot of television, almost nothing... when it comes about movies or series, I stream then, yes, but real television with programs or talk shows? Not really, but...


There also are some things which I watch - Trash TV -, once in a while... I am not someone who watches Big Brother e.g. every year, but if I begin, then I get a bit hooked on the participants' stories (at least whether I think I can empathise with them). 


What captures me? Well, the real stories - the emotions, the backgrounds, what has brought a real person (not just a made up character!) to take one or another decision, what kind of people are there which I cannot even imagine, maybe as we have grown up differently and so on! Like in every story, I think: "And now? What happens next? Do I agree with what he or she is saying? Why not?"


You know, in 11th grade, our Spanish teacher brought us many quotes from different authors and each one of the group had to choose the quote he or she liked best and explain why. 
I chose a quote from the author Paul Auster:
“We all want to be told stories, and we listen to them in the same way we did when we were young. We imagine the real story inside the words, and to do this we substitute ourselves for the person in the story, pretending that we can understand him because we understand ourselves.“


You see, stories always interested me! Maybe also because I believe that I if can gain experience from another person's life, I may know how to react (or not react) to a certain situation.


Therefor, I plead guilty! I have watched Celebrity Big Brother Italy this winter. It has been a kind of guilty pleasure and I even have along-feared for the one or the other. Of course, I cannot learn from every episode and of course, it remains trash tv but I am a firm believer that you can learn from everyone and everywhere.
And you? What do you think? Is there maybe a trash tv show that you like to watch and why? Would love to hear from you in the comments!

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