
Someone in the crowd

I have rewatched some scenes of La la Land this week - actually only the ones in which the songs are played.

I remember watching this movie in the cinema in English. It was tough and I was disappointed because I had imagined a happy love story and let's say the truth: this film is not very an idyll... But! I think that it teaches you an important lesson: To open up your eyes for true connections which will bring you further in life - and yes, I know, it sounds very much cynical. Much more than I am. 


Image source: Netflix

What I mean is Mia and Seb liked each other but they also had their own dreams to fulfil first to not lose themselves... and they helped and encouraged each other to pursuit what they had dreamed about.

So, these two people were for each other what they needed in that exact moment and I believe that in life, it is mostly like this... that the people, you meet come up to bring some kind of added value into your life.

Some people will stay forever, some will not but I think that really often the kind of relationship will change over time. It cannot stay the same - "Panta rhei", Heraclit said.


Does it mean that it is bad? I do not know if I have already said it but I am not a real fan of changes as you have to come out of your comfort zone and at the same time I like challenges to prove myself out and say to myself: "Yes, I made it!" Either way, no - or at least not really and you know why? For my experience, in many many many cases, if people are meant to stay, they will stay in a way. You know, my best friends all live apart from me for some kind of reasons. Some I have not seen for years now, with some I had no contact for a long time and eventually we were always connected nonetheless. 


Maybe (most probably), it also depends on us: What are our dreams? What are our priorities? How will we come to these? All these questions play a role. 

I want to look on Mia and Seb's story, saying that they needed to meet to get their dreams come true - and who knows? Maybe they got to be best friends after seeing each other again. 

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