
What we are doing for the Green Friday

About a year ago, in an episode of my favourite podcast, Muschio Selvaggio (il podcast mio preferito!) I heard about the social business, Treedom.


Treedom's business idea was to let you buy whatever tree you like online and let it plant in the equatorial region from little farmers who will eventually benefit from the plants and fruits economically... all this, not only binding our CO2 emissions but also on a very playful platform which shows you the growth of your tree as if it was a Facebook profile!

I thought it was such a great idea that I not only immediately planted a tree, but also suggested Treedom as a cooperation partner in the next business meeting at work.


The brand I work for, Authentic Beauty Concept, is namely a very sustainable brand for which we work every day on getting even more sustainable. Connecting to it, also our community, the people, who are behind the brand and also the ones in the market who love it really, pay a lot of attention on this topic.


Today, after a year, something has changed. Because today, the cooperation and project has become reality. For #greenfriday, with our community we are planting over 1000 trees in Cameroon... and everyone can add another tree and do his/her bit for the environment! 

At this point, I would like to thank my supervisors and mentors for believing in and supporting me and the project.

This is the only way we can talk about the Authentic Beauty Concept forest today!


Brainstorming, J. had the idea of implementing it regarding the Green Friday, the conscious alternative to the known Black Friday where overconsumption is the result. With the Green Friday, we are moving away from this, toward a more mindful choice.

This year, the Green Friday will be on the 26.11.2021. So maybe, for this day, you want to plant a tree...?


I am really happy, proud and also grateful that this project has come into reality and I am looking forward for new projects and campaigns to come!


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