
I will learn

I believe in the goodness and good will of people. I know that it is not always like that and in some cases I can actually even distinguish someone's intentions from their tone of voice but nonetheless I am still the one who first looks at anybody she mets through pink lenses.


Am I innocent and not mature or educated enough? Maybe... Who knows?! 
What I know is that sometimes I really see that I am naive. 

I see it e.g. when people tell me to hide things because others could misinterpret. Wasn't I able to understand it on my own? No, well, I understood their point of view and perhaps, now that they removed the ham's slices from my eyes, I see it, too. I only did not think about it in the first place.


The reason, I guess, is because in my brain - completely irrationally, I would add - I expect people to think (or behave) like me. I believe that they could see what I see or maybe comprehend my point of view... With the time passing by, I got it - it is not always like that... also if I am the one who tries to look at a situation from another perspective, it does not mean others will.


Being like this, some situations can get really funny, others a bit awkward and some really unpleasant and unexpected. I should learn. Yesterday H. said, she was like me, but she learned. A few months ago M. said, I simply have to pay more attention to whom is is front of me... Yes, they are right - it is only for me in the end.


And... despite that I still do not want to change thiiiiis much.

I think that these kind of "blemishes", if you can call them so, make me myself. They make me "human" - not perfect. Sooo, well, I know, "I have to pay attention" and I will learn but I also want to remain spontaneous woman, I am - that's the way for me!

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