

Have you known that I studied Business and Economics? In Basel, the first thing they teach you in Business School is that every Business Theory is based on clear assumptions...

And I remember that in the Georgetown Negotiation course I followed (Yes, I had to say that the course was from Georgetown! I think, it is genius that the University of Basel lets professors of renowned American universities teach their courses in summer!), the professor showed us clearly that actually our brains create assumptions all the time - and it can be a bias!


Go deeply in yourself: How many times have you made up your assumptions on a person without even knowing her? Or maybe about a situation or a relationship, you did not fully understand? There are a few, aren't there?

I am saying nothing new when I state that early assumptions should not determine your future thoughts as they could be very wrong! Either way, I confess that sometimes I have difficulties with revising my assumptions, too... in the end, I am also a bit stubborn and/or very decisive, so when I believe one thing, I really need to work the issue over to change my mind.


And soooo... What is the best way to not be deceived but your own assumptions? I believe that it is questioning yourself... or questioning in general! Asking, communicating, getting to the bottom of the matter! Only like this you can see if your assumption was or was not true! 


I know, I know... you usually make assumptions because you have not the time to get to the bottom of the matter - that is why all the economic theories I studied are based on assumptions... because every case is too complicated or specific... but if you are interested in your cause, I would suggest to dive in more deeply!
You could discover things, you never knew, you never knew!

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