
Feelings and emotions

I am a bit unsure if to write this post like this or not. In the meantime, I have written three different beginnings but I believe, I will stay with this here.

The truth is that I have been wanting to write about this topic since Thursday: I was watching a series and one of the characters made a distinction between feelings and emotions... a distinction that till then I had never really and fully got.


To be honest, I surprised myself in realising that I never thought about the difference of these two terms as I normally am pretty careful with the words I choose and what they mean profoundly. I can also tell you that the meaning of the word "emotion" originally comes from the energy which is in motion -  so e-motion! Nevertheless, I had never stopped thinking about the words in the title if not as synonyms... which they are not!


An emotion is driven by the energy of the moment and of course, it is what you feel! You feel joy or sadness or also anger but these are current statuses - the Disney movie "Inside out" just came me into mind!

On the other handsome, feelings are there. They are not current, they persist - feelings of love for instance, do not last a second, you know?


In the beginning of this post, I wrote that I was unsure if post this post or not. The reason is that the word feelings came up in a talk yesterday and did not want to relate to it. But in the end, maybe, it was only a coincidence...? Or maybe, I had to think about the difference of these two words on Thursday to get the talk on Friday and as always in my mind, everything is linked... who knows?


And now to my final question: Have you ever thought about the difference between feelings and emotions? Was is clear to you intuitively? Or just like me, you had never realised it?
Let me know!

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