
A person's value

In the last days, I have heard a lot of people talking about what does not define a person's value.

The ones say that your size does not define your value, the others say that your salary or job do not define your value and and and...

This made me think.


If you are not German, you have to know that the first law of the German constitution says that anyone's dignity is not violable... and from a certain point of view, I here relate the word value with dignity because to me both actually are a kind of respect that you do not have to earn as a human being but that you have as the same!


In my opinion, it should not be topic of discussion what kind of things give you value as the value you have is there, no matter what. Maybe it is only up to you to show your value, to show what you can do...

Am I saying that people who are not showing off their capabilities have less worth? Absolutely NOT! Also if you do not show them, the potential is still there and eventually it is there also if you do not know it - sometimes it depends on whether you were willing and had the resources to develop the capabilities or not.


I guess that everyone sometimes in their life has said things like "I deserve this and this and this based on that and that and that..." Let's be honest, when you do so, you are setting a benchmark and comparing yourself to this benchmark that is only an assumption because it has not got the same history as you do! So... does it make very much sense, saying what perhaps your value is based on others? 

On a cool mind, I would say no.


Actually, I believe that it is up to you to first set your standards and second to raise them the moment you want to raise them and that nothing of that has anything to do with your value which in there from the begin on!

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