
Il dolce far niente

There is a trending sound on Instagram and TikTok from the movie "Eat Pray Love" with Julia Roberts. One of the Italians, Luca Argentero, explains what the saying "Dolce far niente" means. "It's the sweetness of doing nothing."

From the movie "Eat Pray Love"

Said like this, it could seem a "lazy people kind of thing" but with the right reflections, I tell you it is not as it might appear.

Il dolce far niente is actually enjoying the moment, enjoying the beauty of the moment - taking a second for breathing in, relaxing and releasing the accumulated stress. It is not necessarily a "lazy people kind of thing" but a "conscious people kind of thing" as it allows you to reflect in a free state of mind.


In a way of seeing it, it is caring about yourself. Enjoying the pleasures which is a bit different than basking on the couch. For example, yes - I am wiring right now... but on the balcony with the sun shining right to my face and the birds singing - it is beautiful and I am reflecting it...


Unfortunately, also for me, also as Italian, I can assure you it is not always like this and that I also sometimes am like Julia's character - maybe in stress, maybe overworking, not taking the right breaks... it is pretty clear that these things do not do well to our bodies, isn't it? And most probably, me writing these thoughts down now, is just a reminder to myself because... in the end, I really do not like to stress myself out and yet, there are moments in which I do not even allow myself to take one.


I believe that if people would cut out spaces and time for themselves, in the end, they would be happier... but we forget because we stuck in the spiral and time schedules. Which then, if you think about it: time is a mere creation of humanity.

So the last words for today are "Enjoy yourself! Enjoy the dolce far niente!"

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