
Choose the right words!

I remember a day when I was in university, in which I was very angry for a discussion I had and in particular for the words used from my counterpart. After talking with D., she told me that I put a lot of emphasis in choosing the right words but that not everybody does...


And maybe it is true! I weight the words I use... or at least I try. There are so many wonderful vocables made to describe a specific thing, concept, issue, behaviour. It would be a waste not using them, right?

I guess, writing in English you cannot get all the shades as this is not my mother tongue and the vocabulary I have here is in fact a bit reduced, comparing it to German or Italian.


Either way, it really makes sense to endeavour and use all of the words our language give us! It has been proven that it will be also beneficial for our brain!

I heard of this study a while ago, in which people with different cultural backgrounds and first languages were chosen to describe various blue nuances.

Some of the languages the people spoke, had not different names for the different color shades; instead of saying "Cyan Blue" or "Aquarius Blue" (I have just looked up two shades in Pantone) they would describe both as light blue, not seeing that much difference for real! As their languages did not distinguish the nuances, their brains also were not used to. I find this pretty interesting!


Of course, one could now say that it was not their fault as their wording actually prohibited them to explain themselves... but it is not always like this.

Sometimes - for instance with me in English - the words would indeed be there but maybe we are not aware of them or do not know the specific meaning and use them in a more general way which does not represent their true purpose.

So, my hint for today is to choose your words wisely - choose the right words for every context!

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