
Good intentions are good but…

You have to know that I am real believer in good intentions. For me, the reasoning behind an action has always been very important; almost more than the outcome.

After such an introduction, you might think that I may be have changed my mind… It is not that simple. I have not truly changed my mind - But I have come to realize that intentionsandresolutionsalsoneed to be activated. What is it worth to say that you want to travel the world if in the end you do not spend a minute believing not to mention organizing what you aresaying?

I have come to realize that an intention without setting it, is worthless as it does not fulfill its job.
Intentions and resolutions should be the idea, the spark which lets the flame blaze up in a fire. If it does not, it does not accomplish what it is actually thought for.

You can tell me that maybe this spark is only the beginning and should illuminate you to give you an idea and make you think about the pros and cons of this particular one and so I thoughtforalongtime… What made me change my mind was that I have been in such situations where intentions were set without consequences for longer time and the more time passes by, the less you believeinthese good intentions.
It is like the little spark becomes more little day by day without you even considering pros or cons… So, the flame or even fire that could have enlightened and warmed up your daysdissolveswhichleads to less enlightened and warmed up days… what a pity!

Therefore, my advice for today is for you to organize yourself for the resolution you make. Because if not you, who then?