
Time for change

May it be the new season, may it be that I need some new inputs... I do not know. What I know for sure is that it is time for a change.


You may have seen it already from my banner logo that I have finally managed to change! Actually, I remember setting the old logo which I myself did not like very much, but I needed one, and so I gave me pleased with that one promising me that I would have changed it soon. From that "soon" four years have gone by. Can you imagine? I really am a constant person! Writing in my blog almost weekly for more than four years!

Either way, as you say in Italian "Every promise is a debt!" and so at last I changed the logo which now fits my style a lot better!


But changing a logo banner does not really imply that a lot is changing, right?

I am changing the things around me, my screensavers and what I see constantly. I really need a fresh-up. I have cancelled songs also as pictures from my media library to make space for new ones! And... who knows me, knows that I am not that good in switching things up or even only cancelling stuff from my phone!

So, if I do, I am really committed - and I am firmly convinced that it takes more courage to change that to stay where you are. About this I am sure: it is easier staying in a situation also if it does not satisfy you a 100% than to step up and changing it... As with my logo: it took me time and energy to create another one and this is why I had not changed it before!


I guess with this willingness to change, my mentality could also change a bit... finally acknowledging that change is not something bad!

Who knows, maybe in the next weeks I could also cut my hair short! No well, I do not think so!... At least not very short...

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