
Don't be superficial!

Singing "Diamonds are girls' best friends", this week I was asked if I placed value on diamonds and so on status symbols - the first thing I thought was: "Mhm! Difficult question to answer!"


Who knows me or maybe also only scrolls down on my Instagram profile might see that yes, I like status symbols - you may see watches, perfumes, clothing items and primarily bags which may catch your attention on this topic. If you do not know me and only see this pictures, you may think that I am a materialistic person and draw the conclusion that I am superficial.

You know what - I know that. I know that you may think this but what you do not know is that although I obviously like these things, value and importance for me is to set on other stuff: family, affects, ideas, personalities!... And that is why (although I sing Madonna's Material Girl once in a while), I would not call myself materialistic.


With the introduction as well as last section, it seems like I want to justify or put my hands out to protect myself. Though actually, the reason why I firstly started thinking about writing this post was a warning to myself not to be superficial towards other people...

Yes, because if I believe that I am not materialistic, this surely is not the only way to be shallow! For instance, a few weeks ago I was talking with a guy who I had just met and the first impression I had was he might be superficial... The problem was that I had only talked to him for a while and actually did not know so much about his history... so "judging" him on this mere discussion would yes, be very superficial from my side! There is a reason why they say, you cannot judge anything - neither a book - from its cover! You have to go deeper if you do not want to stay on the surface - it is logical!


What else can be superficial? I would say - and this is actually linked to not go deeper - not caring. Not caring about others, not caring about how you behave and the impact you may have - in society but also on yourself. Being naive in the sense that you are not critical with yourself. This for me is also superficial as every decision has yet consequences and an impact - also a word said in the wrong context which might be misunderstood!


These are my reflections for the day... I surely want to dive a little deeper and not be superficial - and you?

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