
Crossing the boundaries

The title of my post today says “Crossing the boundaries”. I hope, you all understand what I mean by that and that it is not related to any country border. Today I want to talk about those imaginary boundaries that we set for ourselves or that maybe are set for us by society.

First of all, how do you recognise them? Well, it could be difficult sometimes.
This is as they have a lot to do with your background, mentality and experience. What is innocent to me might be inappropriate to someone coming from another culture without me wanting or even thinking to cross any lines. So, as always, communication helps regarding any relationship to state what is on your mind, what you like and what you do not... because as I said, maybe the other person does not even realise - although for you it might be pretty obvious - that he or she did or said something which bothered you.


The interesting aspect of this topic is that you really can be on both sides without even realising, as these "boundaries" are set more or less by us, in certain circumstances (right above I am saying "without even realising" because I do not think that anybody actively wants to cross some limits which are uncomfortable to others on purpose, just so!).


The next question is what you do after the communication. Maybe there was a discussion if you did not understand the points of your counterpart and tried to explain yourself or perhaps you just apologise - which is also fine as long as you realise what may could have bothered the other one.

Either way, in my vision there is no need to create weird situations or feeling awkward when you both come across each other. If you talked and expressed what was on your mind, especially if you had found a balance at the end of the discussion, that was it. I really am for the second, third... chances - so always friends again.


Maybe you have had situations in which you crossed the boundaries, maybe your boundaries have been crossed. Just think about why this happened and if there is a way to clearing away resentment, then do it. Life is too beautiful for wasting time with negativity.

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