
You have fever, you go to the doctor!

It is Monday morning and a person like me who before Corona rarely got fever, had the temperature at 38.8°C - I was shaking and my head was burning. The next day I went to the doctor, I got myself a bad tonsillitis this week. 

You know what? I would not have gone if my Mom would not have told me to - and yes, at 26 years old, I still need my Mom telling me to go to the doctor!


Sincerely, I always minimise health issues: They will go away anyway, I think most of the time. This may be right, either way, it is not a bad idea to jump at the medical practice sometimes - even if you have to sit in the waiting room for three hours like I did.

I often disguise such issues. If you ask me how I am doing, I will say that everything is fine, maybe after a breather. But if I myself give no weight to these, you will surely not notice anything - just because I do not want to in first person!

Not for nothing, I go by the name Arisol Bright - I really am and want to be as BRIGHT as possible!


Another point for which I hate to call in sick is for my sense of duty. I feel bad, even blameable, if I cannot help others when I know these count on me. The truth however is that between multiple fever and an asthma attack, this week, I have been knocked out, in bed with stinging eyes at times.


You may ask yourself why I am writing about that and if I can write, I am surely better. Well, luckily antibiotics helped - although also these, I did not want to take until Thursday morning - you see, I do not like to throw myself down.

As most of my posts, I believe that I writing this little one as a reminder to myself: a reminder to slow down, a reminder to listen more to my body and if I really get fever, that then I should indeed visit the doctor!

The good side is that you can "learn" from my experiences, too and maybe this is your sign to also slow down - you are welcome!


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