
Beauty is a value to me

As most of you know, I work in marketing for Authentic Beauty Concept and I love my job!

Either way, lastly talking to friends and peers, I have come to question the importance of my work for the general community.


The point is that, although marketing literally creates added value to a product, in the end, it is about selling a mere shampoo or conditioner - it is not rocket science, nor the next cancer treatment. But what it does, is being an also challenge, a creative environment and most of all being a medium to create beauty.


Now, you don’t have to know me so well to get that beauty is very important to me, in the sense that I enjoy and value the beauty around me. I cannot say it if this is true to everybody - probably it is not, either way, when I see something beautiful I instantly think about it, and express a sense of marvel.


I know, what you are now thinking: “De gustibus non disputandum est.” Among our circles they say that beauty relies in the eye of the observer, so how can I talk so generally about beauty?

The answer is that I believe, there are some things that are pleasant to everybody. Of course, beauty is strictly connected to your cultural background - some peoples have used to cover their bodies in tattoos for centuries while for other parts of the world, as it was not popular in the past, it was very longsome getting accustomed to them.

And still, I am of the opinion, that at least order is beautiful for all of us... And the reason is psychological: order, definition, shine and clarity all exhale calm. They are relieving to the human brain. Imagine to find yourself in a bright open space where everything is set where it should be and in the opposite, imagine yourself in a clustered and rough environment - what do you prefer?


Having thought well about it, I realised (thanks to another wonderful talk) that I am pursuing goodness! I am creating beauty not only for my enjoyment as I like being creative! Working in marketing, I am creating awareness about a brand that  is "kind of helping" other people enhancing their beauty with the Authentic Beauty Concept products and in the end I am also helping creating beauty with all of the campaigns which generates the "Oh wow!" effect!

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