
What a day, what a week

As of today, I am officially on vacation! The first bigger one this year, I would add on!

I have spent the last months at work organising a 150 people event which took place last week. I had ended up with a lot of tension which blocked my shoulders and brought up a little bit of more stress than it should be… but in the end I can say it was worth it!


It is not that I like to brag or something, but it made me happy to see that all the work I have put in this project has paid up, that I made a good job and other people have also seen it. At this point, I want to remark that if the event worked so well, I also have to thank my team; the people who supported me and were there, with whom I could talk about the points that confused me, and maybe overpowered me, the people who motivated me and coached me to do even better - if the event was such a success, I owe it also to you!


There had been some sleepless nights. Will everything go as planned? Either way, you have to be prepared and having someone who tells you that it is okay if not everything works out and that you can get your learnings from it and look forward, is a real panacea. It relieves you - I also want to be that person in future!


But it was not only the one day to be special, the whole week was somehow particular. Caught up in the excitement of having succeeded, I have been in celebrate modus for the past days: Going out in the middle of the week and staying later up at night though working on the next day. Booking various trips with different friends and already looking forward to them. Trying up new things because if I have made it in one area, why not in another one?.. although I have to admit and warn you that jumping (in a figurative way) like this sometimes may leave a mark on your arm - you have to decide, if it is worth it. 


In the whole, it was great! That is what matters and what we will all keep in our minds, in our memories... and with the trips coming, I am totally prepared for new memories, too!

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