
Let’s talk about perspectives...

My friends from high school used to say that if they would see a pink cloud in the sky, I was thinking romantically again - hence every day!

Others say that I always see the world through my own eyes... but it is like this for everybody, isn't it?


There is this word: "perspective" which describes the point of view of a person. I have always thought about how "particular" I found it to be the only one who sees and lives things as myself. No other person has lived the exact same things - also if some experiences were shared, how can we be sure that others live them with the same feelings and thoughts in the same way as we do?


In fact, last night talking with a friend, we talked about the "Four-sides-model" which explains that there are indeed four sides that make up a claim and depending on these, the receiver of the message may get one or another input. These are the factual information, the appeal, the relationship and the self-revelation. For instance, if after a funny joke, I say to a friend "You're an idiot" and I say it laughing with a smile on my face, it completely is something else than if I would have said it to someone who I do not like with an earnest face.

Either way, someone outstanding who does not know about the relationship with my friend could interpret me as mean or whatsoever and not understand that my claim also was only part of the joke!


What I find especially interesting is to find out about how the people around me perceived a particular moment which we shared. What made the experience peculiar for them? Was it the same for me? Which were the "moments" that they will store inside the treasure chest of memories? Maybe I should too?

I love talking about these kind of things - I find it enlightening. Such talks tell you a lot about who you have by your side as they "display the four sides of their receiving system".


So I guess, I am not the only one who sees the world through her own eyes. Everyone does and actually I find it to be very appealing to know what the others' perception is - maybe because only so, you can really know someone.

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