
"Why do you wear high heels all the time?!"

For the ones who have not yet seen me in person, you have to know that I am pretty little - 1.53m. When I get asked how tall I am, with a smile on my face I respond that the right question is how short I am, for instance - yes, I can be self-ironic.


My daily truth is also that I wear high heels (and not just 3-4 cm) about 85% of times when I leave the house - and this has happened since I was about 15 years old. I guess there are people who would only picture me with high heels!

I have been asked many times why I wear them and to be honest, I am always surprised by this question.

As far as I love to be the sweet, kind, little one in some circumstances, I also want to be seen! I want to be heard and to be recognized as a person of my age with all the experiences that I have - and at least in my opinion, that is not easy as said when everyone is taller than you and you get the feeling that they speak above your head.


Imagine this situation at work: You have been in the same company for years. You started as an intern fresh from university, you have grown, you have lived out tougher times and taken over different projects with more or less success but always learning for tomorrow.

Still, I could put my hand in the fire claiming that some people still see me as the little, inexperienced intern - and my impression is that also my height plays a role in that; it may only be an impression of course but that is how I feel.


A. told me that actually in her eyes, it is not that bad to be underestimated and then show what you really can do. And yes, I share her perspective as in the end, the facts and results matter. But still, if I have the feeling that I am reduced to my appearance, I will use what I have in my power - and let it be my 13cm high heels - to not always wait until the end result and “show” that my voice has some weight, too.


So yes, call it “compensation”. It is and I am not ashamed of it.

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