
Hellou again!

Hello again, friends of the Sun!

Did you miss me? I have to say that I missed you. You, the writing…

As you can maybe imagine, due to the fact, that I have not written, the last five (!) months have been intense… intense on many levels - physical also as psychological.


In those moments, I kind of forget what is good for me: I will always take my baths and listen to my music and maybe watch some comforting episodes of Friends but lots of other stuff which is indeed cathartic feels like a burden e.g. I love to bake and also simply ironing calms me down but during this time, my body felt like it only needed rest. 


I guess, that in this period I have changed, too. My priorities shifted a bit. Perhaps it is only a detail, nothing to really reflect about, either way, I changed my Instagram profile from public into private for instance… and if you would have asked me in February - question that my friend M. indeed posed - I said that I was very not interested in closing my profile privately... and in the end, I also deleted about the half of my followers, whoever I did not know, was not welcome anymore.

You are probably asking yourself what made me change my mind then. In a couple of weeks, a few of unknown people added me, either because they had seen me in a friend's post or... well just because. 

It had never bothered me so much that strangers would see my pictures, I have always be the type of person who would say, I have nothing to conceal - I mean, I opened a blog! But maybe in feeling so vulnerable as in the last few months, I did not want to show it too off to people who I did not know. Who knows, maybe in the (near) future, I could open it again...


This week, I DECIDED that I was going to change the down spiraling routine in which I was falling into: I began on Monday, initiating a two hours meditation, which included journaling and scripting, and in which I set down my wishes and goals for the next months. I had wanted to do this meditation for weeks now, but I could never commit myself to two hours of me time - until last Monday!

I also went again to the gym after two months this week. I began with only an hour but it felt good. It always does, it is only difficult to really invest in it earlier knowing also the physical stress that comes with it! And now I am back at writing!


I already wanted to come back and write as I knew this was something which - just like baking and ironing - is cathartic to me.

My colleague M. mentioned my blog this week and I told him that it was long ago since I had written something...  In any case, I cannot tell you if I would have done it for sure, if I would have not seen something a few hours ago.

I spotted the blog of a new colleague who inspired me - although I have to say that I do not know if he writes regularly... But you know, I said to myself: "I also have a blog. I should write in it!" and now here I am... also a bit proud of myself!


Who knows, maybe I myself can inspire some people to do things which are good for them - this would be my nice proposition.

For now, I have to simply remind myself of what is good for me and yes, writing indeed is!

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