Artikel mit dem Tag "Accessories"

Fashion · 04. August 2018
Normally, this week I should have written a post in German but a switch of plans was required. My Malsta sunglasses from Ilymix arrived on Tuesday! Who follows me on Instagram will know how excited I was in unboxing them! I basically ran in my office and did the live unboxing. They came in this little tiny brown box signed with the Ilymix logo. I opened the box and pink crepe paper strips came off.
Lifestyle · 28. Juli 2018
As you can guess from the title, this week i became 22 years old... and looking at the picture one could tell that I'm pretty happy! It was a lovely night! I'm a bit of a egocentric person and being cherished is always beautiful! It wasn't anything too big. When it comes to birthdays, I like it to keep it simple and having my people around me just for the pleasure of being there. And so it was. Some of my friends came for dinner and we stayed up chatting and having fun. Why only some of them?...
Fashion · 14. Juli 2018
This week I have been contacted by Ilymix - an online boutique which sells fashion accessories - for a collaboration. In the mail, they had sent me, was written that they had noticed my Instagram feed and had thought that my style would fit to them: intriguing! I clicked on the website and looked a bit around. Well, they were right... I really like their stuff! There were sunglasses, scarves, bags and hats. Finally, I ordered some sunglasses for myself. Pink, edgy sunglasses! Perfect for the...