Artikel mit dem Tag "Appearence"

Lifestyle · 18. März 2023
A book judged by its cover
I have always liked to dress up, I have always been into fashion and you probably see that if you see my Instagram profile. That is who I am and what I have always liked. This is what I was raised like and I am not ashamed for it as I am not harming anyone with my style. But there is also a life beyond that. So many facets, which can go lost, if you do not dive deep in it. In the past, I have thought about writing down in this space, other things that I like and which would maybe surprise a lot...
Reflections · 09. Oktober 2021
We all know that the biggest part of an iceberg is under water and in case of an iceberg in particular, we do not forget that... we do not forget that what we see is not actually, what there really is the whole but in other situations we do... We often stop at the first glance and judge basing just on this. That is also why they say that there only one chance to give a first impression, isn't it? And I am talking of myself also! Surely, I am not perfect and surely, it may have happened that I...
Reflections · 24. April 2021
Am I the typical Italian girl?
"She comes out all made up, she only laughs forced, she feels above the world. She dresses only designer, shows off the branded handbag, a good night awaits her." A few years ago, there was this song in the Italian radios - La tipica ragazza italiana - The typical Italian girl. Now... I have never seen myself like the girl in the song. NEVER. But sometimes I think that some people think it of me, or at least that they might think, I am the typical daddy's girl. And do not get me wrong - I know...