Artikel mit dem Tag "Be yourself"

Lifestyle · 02. Mai 2020
Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich mit M. über meine Instagram-Posts geredet und er meinte, mein Ziel sei es, guter Content zu kreieren. Meine Antwort war, dass dies nicht unbedingt stimmt. Es ist schon so. Es ist nicht mein Ziel. Daraufhin war er etwas neugieriger und wollte mehr wissen. Was sei also mein Ziel? Naja, in aller Ehrlichkeit, mein Ziel ist erstmals Spaß zu haben! Etwas zu machen, was mir Freude bereitet... quasi meiner Leidenschaft nachgehen. Ich würde jetzt auch nicht unbedingt...
Reflections · 01. Februar 2020
It is true... I post most different content - maybe also content which not everybody would post... but this does not mean that I am not conscious about me setting it public. Last week, I joined the "Dolly Parton Challenge". For the ones who are not familiar with it, it is about posting a layout of four kind of photos: one you would post on LinkedIn, one you would post on Facebook, then Instagram and Tinder; just to illustrate the different characters of the social networks. You have to know...
Lifestyle · 25. Oktober 2019
What is being under friends like? If your friends are like mine, then it is like you have your family around. With my besties - let's specificy that I have known some of them for 15 years - we call ourself sisters! I know that this may sound exaggerated. Maybe it also is. But especially with the one or the other, the bond we have is really great. They know me. It is knowing the other person without judging because you actually know the person and her character so well that you can't judge, you...