Artikel mit dem Tag "Being"

Reflections · 10. September 2022
What feels like home to you? Is it a place, a smell, a sound or maybe all of the above plus other stuff? For me, it is definitely the last one! And yes, also a place - I am sorry but there is no place like home. I have moved three times in my life and one time is was harder than then the other two. Why? Because it was a completely new area for me and in the beginning, I really was not accustomed to it. It took me a while, although I have to say that I was 12 years old and maybe that was not the...
Reflections · 09. November 2019
In the last eight months, I have dealt with the expression "Authenticity", "Being authentic", "What does authenticity mean to you?" and the simplest answer is being true to yourself. Not being restricted by the ideas and images the society wants to impose upon you and simply being you without any filter. But what if one's personality fits in the image the society has for the specific person? What happens if her kind of being might like a bit of structure? Or if in the end, she also likes being...
Lifestyle · 15. Dezember 2018
When does Christmas time begin for you? Each year my Christmas time begins when we decorate our tree. It has a kind of magic which brings the Christmas spirit all together. You know, I can listen to all Bublé music, I wish, see the decorations on the streets and walk through the little stands of the regional Christmas markets drinking a hot mug of mulled wine but in the end, to me Christmas really begins when I pull out all Christmas decorations and decorate the apartment.