Artikel mit dem Tag "Caring"

Lifestyle · 06. November 2021
There are people who are not interested in what others think about them, independently from which case. They do them, are unapologetical and happy with it. Sure, in some cases and depending on the person I have in front of me, I also can act like this - especially, when the discussed person and me have little or nothing in common and do not have to have whatever kind of relationship but... if that is not the case, then I want my interlocutor to know and try to understand me. Many people in my...
Lifestyle · 23. Mai 2020
In our society, I sometimes get the feeling that it is not appreciated or well taken, if you are going to show off what you have or what you have achieved. Either way, recently I listened to a podcast and in the U.S. this is quite the opposite and I think that this is beautiful! There they encourage other people’s success and are truly happy for the achievements made! As I could understand, they have this mindset in which they look up for what others have built in their life and get inspired...
Reflections · 14. September 2019
Who has already read my blogposts sometimes will know that I tend to write about everything possible. Today is Costumer service-time! It is well known that we live in a society of the third sector - means in a service society. So, one of the most important points in differentiating yourself from the others, is to guarantee excellent - or at least very good - costumer service! I usually do not like to write recensions about the bad experiences I have had in stores. I believe that when I am not...
Reflections · 22. März 2019
Do you know this feeling? ...when you are proud of someone? What does this really mean? What is behind such a statement? Firstly, I want to say having someone who says to you "I am proud of you!" is probably one of the most beautiful sentences, a person can say to another. To me, it gives me a feeling of acceptance which is lovely! And yes, you might say "You have to be proud of yourself in the first moment..." and I can agree but having somebody who tells you that he or she is proud of you, it...