Artikel mit dem Tag "Character"

Reflections · 21. Oktober 2023
Everybody grows, everybody has different experiences, lives different stories and of course these change you - at least on a superficial way… You see, I would say that yes, I am not the same person as the one who I was five years ago. I am more considerate. I do not rush into impulsiveness as I used to. Also, I do not let emotions overwhelm me… at least, I would say so. Am I proud of that? Do I do that on purpose? No and no. I have always seen myself as an open person, open-minded and...
Lifestyle · 11. Februar 2023
Wieviele Versionen von einem selbst gibt es? Eine, zwei, eine Million? Wieviele es genau sind, kann ich nicht beantworten und ich bin mir auch ziemlich sicher, dass es von Menschen zu Menschen unterschiedlich ist, jedenfalls sind es sicherlich mehrere. Erinnert Ihr Euch an dem 90er Lied "Bitch" von Meredith Brooks? "I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a child, I'm a mother, I'm a sinner, I'm a saint - I do not feel ashamed...". Hier bringt sie eigentlich ziemlich gut vor Augen, was ich meine... und...
Lifestyle · 26. Juni 2021
"Look at you! You are perfect!" T. said this sentence to me last Friday night (and no, it was not like in Katy Perry's song). In either case, I can assure you that it is extrapolated from the contest - that's true... But I wanted to pick it up to tell you a bit from me. I know that I am not perfect - in no aspect. Well, who is? And furthermore, what does it mean to be perfect? What I want to be is kind, funny, lovely, sweet and bright! Sometimes I am not to everybody, that is right - as I said,...
Reflections · 08. Mai 2021
I do not know if I have ever said something different - it may be and you know what, I think that it is legitimate to change your opinions once in a while... you know, things change - but! But I do not think that people really change a lot. I have seen it with different people - with elder especially: what I have noticed is that their core characteristics become more accentuated. My granny e.g. has always been a very apprehensive person. Nowadays, she really wants to care about everything! Even...
Reflections · 24. April 2021
Am I the typical Italian girl?
"She comes out all made up, she only laughs forced, she feels above the world. She dresses only designer, shows off the branded handbag, a good night awaits her." A few years ago, there was this song in the Italian radios - La tipica ragazza italiana - The typical Italian girl. Now... I have never seen myself like the girl in the song. NEVER. But sometimes I think that some people think it of me, or at least that they might think, I am the typical daddy's girl. And do not get me wrong - I know...
Reflections · 24. Oktober 2020
In the 90s there was Beverly Hills 90210, then came Sex and the City and the O.C. Now there is Emily in Paris... but my favourite will always be "And who am I? That's the secret I will never tell - you know, you love me. XOXO Gossip Girl!" There are always episodes which I love rewatch in particular, although I have watched the wholes series at leat 4 times... Last week, I watched it again and just for fun or joke, I posted a question on my Instagram Stories asking, who I would be from the...
Fashion · 03. Oktober 2020
I have always loved to play with my hair creating different styles. It is even written in my year book characteristic! "She had always experimented with her hair, from open and straightened to a complicated braided hairstyle, we have seen it all." And a few years later, I still love to experiment with my hair. I never had mermaid hair or very extravagant styles which were not reversible... When it comes to colours, a few highlights or a balayage were the maximum. But I often did various...
Reflections · 15. August 2020
"I am as I am." Have you ever read this line? How are you? What characterises you? There surely are some features that remark who you are as a person. But how do these features come off? Once I read that we are the sum of the decisions we made; that these ones are the ones which form our character and who we are. It definitely makes sense but I do not think that decisions are the only ones. My education has formed me a lot, the environment in which I have lived and the experiences I have taken...
Reflections · 25. April 2020
I am surely not perfect but this is who I am - and actually I do not think that I ever wanted to be someone other than me... maybe only the better me, the best version of myself. But also there I would not want change my character in the whole. Today I am actually wearing a T-shirt which was gifted to me and which says "You can't fake character." and for me it means that I have my own personality and I - as everyone else, too - cannot try to be someone different. In the end, your character,...
Motivation · 08. Februar 2020
Stellt Euch vor, Ihr lebt in der Angst, etwas zu vollbringen, nur weil es schief gehen könnte... Kann es langfristig eine Strategie sein? Der Strauß macht es ja auch so. Er versteckt den Kopf in den Sand, sodass er das Schlimme nicht sieht. Die Frage ist: Was hat er davon? Traumatisiert scheint er ja schon zu sein, da er Angst hat. Kann es also besser werden, indem er sich versteckt? Ich sage ja nicht, dass es nicht normal ist, Angst zu haben! Absolut nicht! Aber ich finde es nicht ganz...

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