Artikel mit dem Tag "Christmas"

Reflections · 17. Dezember 2022
Yesterday, 5 pm - knocking off time... aaand let the Christmas holidays begin! Do you know which my first words were? "Now it is officially Christmas time!" Which is strange because the Christmas period began 3 weeks ago and in this time I have worn my Norwegian jumper, put up the tree, eaten panettone, we had snow... and still I had not felt the real full Christmas energy around! What is kind of strange is that lots of other people to whom I have spoken said the same! They also are coming very...
Lifestyle · 27. Dezember 2020
Ups.. ich bin zu spät! Na? Wie war Eure Weihnachten? Ich hoffe, dass sie trotz aller Umstände ein paar schöne Erinnerungen hinterlassen hat und dass Ihr das bekommen durftet, was Ihr Euch gewünscht habt! Ich für meinen Teil, bin ganz stolz auf ein Selbstgeschenk... wobei ob es wirklich ein Selbstgeschenk ist, sei mal dahin gestellt! Aber ich erzähle Euch kurz die ganze Geschichte: Ich war am Sonntag am Putzen und habe dabei einen Podcast, den ich immer besonders interessant finde,...
Reflections · 27. Dezember 2018
Christmas. Lights, holidays and gifts. Everybody should know that Christmas spirit is not about these things, but yet about something deeper. Firstly, we celebrate Christmas to actually celebrate the nativity of Jesus Christ. So we celebrate life and joy and the little daily miracles as it can be a sunny day when we really needed it. As it is about joy, what about to bring joy in other's everyday life? It could be an idea, couldn't it? That is why especially on Christmas we should be kinder and...
Lifestyle · 21. Dezember 2018
Ach, der Weihnachtsmarkt in der Ravennaschlucht! Letztes Jahr lasen Kay und ich, dass dieser einer der 100 schönsten Weihnachtsmärkte Europas und dabei sooo nah zu unserem Wohnort! Dementsprechend planen wir praktisch seit einem Jahr dorthin zu fahren!
Lifestyle · 15. Dezember 2018
When does Christmas time begin for you? Each year my Christmas time begins when we decorate our tree. It has a kind of magic which brings the Christmas spirit all together. You know, I can listen to all Bublé music, I wish, see the decorations on the streets and walk through the little stands of the regional Christmas markets drinking a hot mug of mulled wine but in the end, to me Christmas really begins when I pull out all Christmas decorations and decorate the apartment.