Artikel mit dem Tag "Coincidences"

Motivation · 13. Juli 2024
Did you know that we all live our lives filtering some information from the other world? I guess so. Either way, sometimes it is good to check out which filters you have set for you in that right moment. I guess you can relate, that when you buy e.g. a new car, you are more likely to see this car brand all over; that when you like someone, you hear their name much more often; when you book a vacation, everybody speaks of that location. If you know me - or you have read some of my scripts -, you...
Reflections · 29. Januar 2022
Let it be a cognitive bias, either way, sometimes I believe that when I think and talk about a thing, it happens that I hear about that specific thing more intensily than usually. Is it only a cognitive bias? Maybe... but have you heard the collective intelligence, bees have... or the groupthinking of birds which fly all in the same direction... or inventors who get the same idea suddenly - e.g. in a very simplified modus: Meucci vs. Graham Bell. Coincidences? Well, perhaps you know how little...