Artikel mit dem Tag "Collaboration"

Fashion · 04. August 2018
Normally, this week I should have written a post in German but a switch of plans was required. My Malsta sunglasses from Ilymix arrived on Tuesday! Who follows me on Instagram will know how excited I was in unboxing them! I basically ran in my office and did the live unboxing. They came in this little tiny brown box signed with the Ilymix logo. I opened the box and pink crepe paper strips came off.
Fashion · 14. Juli 2018
This week I have been contacted by Ilymix - an online boutique which sells fashion accessories - for a collaboration. In the mail, they had sent me, was written that they had noticed my Instagram feed and had thought that my style would fit to them: intriguing! I clicked on the website and looked a bit around. Well, they were right... I really like their stuff! There were sunglasses, scarves, bags and hats. Finally, I ordered some sunglasses for myself. Pink, edgy sunglasses! Perfect for the...