Artikel mit dem Tag "Coronavirus"

Lifestyle · 30. November 2022
Hellou everyone! I hope, you are all good! This week, I would have told you from my passed days in Vienna. I should have been four days there with my colleagues to discuss the strategy of new year and making ourselves some nice evenings in the pre-Christmas period. As you can tell from the tense chosen, it did not go as imagined. On Sunday, on 9:30 am, I had my train to the airport - the only problem? I woke up with fever and regardless of what you might have, flying with fever is not a good...
Lifestyle · 14. November 2020
"Wie geht es dir?" "Naja, ganz gut!... den Umständen entsprechend..." "Mhm.. ja, komische Zeiten..." Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass Ihr in letzter Zeit alle so ein Gespräch geführt habt. Ich habe gestern anders geantwortet: "Ich muss sagen, dass meine Psyche Schwierigkeiten damit hat, distanziert zu bleiben." Die Tatsache daheim zu sein und nichts Großes machen zu dürfen, schlägt sich irgendwann doch auf das Gemüt und die Laune. Und persönlich bin ich auch nicht eine Person, die...
Lifestyle · 07. November 2020
We are building the new now - now we are in a lighter version of a lockdown again. Not the best time to go on a vacation, is it? Well, I had already confirmed that I would have my holidays, soooo... I had to do the best out of it! On one day, my uncle came and so it was a family day altogether with board games and and and... On one day, I cooked tomato sauce with Nonna's/Mamma's recipe - and it wasn't that bad! But the highlight of the week was definitely the shooting with M.
Reflections · 11. April 2020
I know that to some people this may sound disrespectful but I think that this particular time in history is here to teach us something and most of all to show us to be more grateful for Everyday life (not only Coldplay's song) and for all the things we give for granted everyday. How can one be grateful for something which is taking liberty away from us? How to be grateful for something which has taken and continues to take away lives from us? How to be grateful for something which is maybe...
Lifestyle · 28. März 2020
Hello from my bedroom! Yes, this will be another blogpost as it is meant to be... a real (we)b-log entry. Week 2 of social distancing/quarantine has passed by where I live and the first signs of psychosis are manifesting - ok, you got me! I am overly dramatic again! A few days ago, my brother and I looked in each other's face and suddenly began to laugh without any apparent cause. In general, I notice that most people to whom I speak obviously feel strange, maybe anxious or nervous... and yeah,...
Lifestyle · 21. März 2020
Das war eine seltsame Woche - oder? Ungewohnt, komisch, ausserordentlich etc. Was ist aber das Wichtigste, was wir von ihr lernen können? Ich würde sagen, dass wir alle zusammenhalten! Relativ schnell, am Anfang der Woche habe ich verschiedenen Leuten geschrieben, die ich liebe, mit denen ich normalerweise vielleicht weniger Kontakt habe. Vor allem in diesen ungewissen Zeiten ist es wichtig und schön zu wissen, dass wir "all in this together" sind! Und nicht nur, weil es extrem entscheidend...
Reflections · 14. März 2020
Sooooo... Breaking news: the Coronavirus COVID-19 has arrived. Not that much a news, hm? Till last week, I would have not thought that I would actually write about it as so many blasts are spread anyway. For the last few weeks I have been really cynical and distant to this whole issue but now something has changed also inside of me. It came nearer. I listened to my friend F. who studies in the center of Italy and who does not know when she is going to see her parents living in Sicily again. You...