Artikel mit dem Tag "Faith"

Motivation · 27. Juli 2024
Yesterday I turned 28 and I was so emotional! If one hears it like this, maybe one could think that it was about the age - but this time, it really was not! In the last couple of years, I have always struggled a bit on my birthday because I had thought that I would not have done the things which I had prefixed me to do in the previous year. But not this year! Maybe because I really had a full, wonderful one and although I have not done everything, I indeed experienced a lot. And you know me: I...
Reflections · 12. März 2022
How many times have I professed to have faith? Many, didn't I? To be honest, I really believe that I have faith and that you have to trust the right timing but on the other hand side - I can be sooo impatient. H. would say the opposite about me but the truth is that when it comes about certain issues, I try to stay calm and relaxed but on the inside I still am a bit nervous... Maybe this tension decreases with time ("Fake it, till you make it", they say) and this is why H. believes patience is...
Reflections · 26. Februar 2022
Have you ever experienced a series of events that have led to a special outcome? Well. I might be strange but I believe in these kind of series. You ask yourself why or what does it mean? I would not say that it is a fatalistic way of seeing things. It is about constating with attention what happens around you. Am I talking about signs? Maybe, kind of... Either way, in the end of course, you interpret signs the way you want to, But sometimes, when things go the opposite of what they had to and...
Reflections · 24. Juli 2021
Last week, a colleague of mine suddenly had to be brought in hospital, in the same week she smashed her phone and lastly some guys broke into her Mini and stole her bag with all her documents. I was kind of shocked as she told me the story and showed me pictures of the broken glass. I went downstairs in the kitchen and said to M.: "We are so lucky and don't know it!" I really am so lucky in more than a way - I had the opportunity to study in one of the 100 best universities worldwide, I love my...
Motivation · 27. Mai 2021
Today, I should actually post in German but as I want as many people as possible, understanding what I write, here it comes in English! As I have told you last week, I read Mr. McConaughey's autobiography. It has been reaaaally cool! And now some insights for you! I have read the book in Italian, my mother tongue, this is why I will not quote hundred percent. I will simply translate my beloved parts. Let us begin with the title: Greenlights! Do you know what I have thought when reading it the...
Motivation · 20. Juni 2020
My first blogpost was posted two years ago. On 6/23 2018. Things have changed since then. I went from not being even graduated, to get my bachelor's degree, to be on job hunt, to be in my current internship and now...? Things evolve. Of course, this was only a part of my life in the last two years. I started my blog as my project. A place for me to reflect, to motivate, to inspire even myself! I truly think that it was cathartic for me and hope that it was also helpful or at least interesting...
Reflections · 13. Juni 2020
Habt ihr jemals daran gedacht, wie es wäre, wenn ihr beispielsweise in eine andere Stadt aufwachsen wärt, wenn ihr eine bestimmte Ausbildung nicht gemacht hättet, wenn ihr an dem Abend die eine Person nicht kennengelernt hättet... Wie wäre heute euer Leben? Wahrscheinlich schon eher anders, oder? Nein, ich habe nicht "Sliding Doors" angeschaut, obwohl es vielleicht auch mal Zeit wäre... Ich habe nur daran gedacht, dass meine Geschichte, wie diejenige von allen anderen auch, aus den...
Reflections · 21. Dezember 2019
Almost 20 years have passed since the movie with Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack, named "Serendipity" first came out. I am surely not a Christmas movie fanatic but this one is cute to watch with some candles lit, under a cozy blanket in a cold winter night. First things first: If you do not know the terminology "Serendipity" and you start the movie, you may first think that it is named after that gorgeous café in NYC. But... You must know that the word "Serendipity" (German: Serendipität,...
Reflections · 23. November 2019
In German there is a saying which tells that the joy of anticipation is the most beautiful joy. I do partly agree but only partly. You see, today is the 23rd of November and Christmas lights are beginning to decorate the cities. Of course, we enjoy the time before Christmas with the Christmas markets, decorating our homes, choosing the tree and so on but the most beautiful thing - at least for me - is enjoying Christmas eve with the people I love... without it the rest becomes vain as it loses...
Reflections · 27. Juli 2019
"[He] believed in the green light. The orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluted us then but that's no matter; tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms further and one fine morning... So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." Some of you will instantly recognise this excerpt, for others it would be clearer if I had wrote the lyrics of "Young and Beautiful". Ahh, you see?! Now you also recognise that it is from Gatsby. From...

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