Artikel mit dem Tag "Fashion"

Fashion · 15. September 2024
Entschuldigt die Verspätung - ich hatte gestern zu tun und zwar: die Stylistin! Wer mich seit Langem kennt, wird mal den Satz aus meinem Mund gehört haben: "I'm a girl with the passion for fashion.", ja, praktisch bin ich eine Bratz-Doll. Aber so gebe ich mich auch gerne in der Öffentlichkeit. Es macht mir Spaß, Outfits am Morgen zu kreieren und mich zu stylen. Wenn ich im richtigen Outfit bin, fühle ich mich selbstbewusster und ich glaube auch, dass ich diese Freude ausstrahle. Aber...
Lifestyle · 18. März 2023
A book judged by its cover
I have always liked to dress up, I have always been into fashion and you probably see that if you see my Instagram profile. That is who I am and what I have always liked. This is what I was raised like and I am not ashamed for it as I am not harming anyone with my style. But there is also a life beyond that. So many facets, which can go lost, if you do not dive deep in it. In the past, I have thought about writing down in this space, other things that I like and which would maybe surprise a lot...
Fashion · 19. November 2022
We all know it: the fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries there are and as a fashionista (please let me call myself this way), it is hard to accept. As is often the case, the problem lies upstream of the situation and it is our fast pace lifestyle which consequentially leads us being bored of continuity as we are not accustomed to it anymore. I know that earlier the big design houses brought up two to four collections per year: respectively Spring-Summer and Fall-Winter for...
Fashion · 25. September 2022
My "Old money aesthetic"
One thing which you may not know about me is that my granny from mother's side as well as my great-aunt from father's side are tailors. Consequently, both my parents grew up in handmade clothes and surrounded by fashion styles. Is it really a surprise that I absolved a Vogue Course at the Condé Nast College, though? Talking with both my grandma and my aunt in different occasions, they told me from when they began to buy the big designer brands, we nowadays know like Armani or Max Mara so to...
Fashion · 11. September 2021
Dream life
What is your dream life? What have you always aspired to do? As a fashion addict, being surrounded by the beauty and fashion industry really is a dream come true. Even more, when invited to runway shows at the Fashion Weeks as happened this week. With Authentic Beauty Concept, we namely sponsored Marcel Ostertag's fashion show at Berlin Fashion Week. Can you imagine the feeling of sitting in front of the models passing by and applauding? I enjoyed every single moment of it! Let me show you,...
Lifestyle · 10. Juli 2021
I felt like a little Andrea
I have loved fashion eveeer since! Maybe because as my granny was a tailor and gave this passion to my Mom, she also passed it to me... Either way, as a fashion lover, from the first moment in which I saw "The Devil wears Prada", I was ecstatic about this world! Also if from the movie, it is not really always puppies and kittens. Now... You have to know, that the brand I work for (and love), Authentic Beauty Concept, has decided to collaborate with the German sustainable fashion brand of Marcel...
Fashion · 18. Februar 2021
Meine Vorliebe für Mode
Sodele... Kleine Prämisse: Ich habe letzte Woche ein TikTok-Video gedreht. Ich wollte versuchen ein Make-up-Tutorial zu drehen, um etwas Neues zu probieren. In dem Video habe ich mich mit einem paar Markenprodukte, sowie auch einfache Low-End Produkte geschminkt... und ich hatte ein etwas besonderes Shirt an. Nun, ich weiß nicht, ob es das war... Aber diese Woche wurde ich mehrmals auf meine "Vorliebe" für High-End-Güter angesprochen. Ich wurde sogar gefragt, ob die Sachen echt seien......
Fashion · 19. September 2020
Kennt ihr das, wenn Ihr Bilder Eurer Eltern seht und Ihr vom Kleidungsstil sofort sagen könnt, was für ein Jahrzehnt das war? "Das sieht nach einem 80er Bild aus!" Vielleicht sind es die Neonfarben, vielleicht die überdimensionalen Schulterpolster oder doch die toupierten Haare (mhm.. ich habe fast das Gefühl, dass diese Mode wieder kommt...). Wenn man heutige Bilder von Teenagern in 10 Jahren sieht, würde man auch genau erkennen, aus welchen Jahren die Bilder kommen, schätze ich... Aber...
Reflections · 26. Februar 2020
Have you ever broken a vase? What have you done with the shards? In Italy, there is this custom which tells to keep all your (ceramic) shards together and to throw them away on New Year's Eve and that that should bring you luck. But well... the day after you have broken your vase, you'll probably need one... soooo let's go for a hunt and let's buy a new vase. This is how Italians - or maybe most of Western and consumerist countries - deal with breaks. But have you ever come across the term...
Fashion · 10. Oktober 2019
"Decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way you live." - Gianni Versace They used to say that Armani with his purity dressed the wives while Versace with his extroversion dressed the rebel women. You ask what I prefer? Well, the Armani's elegance is sincerely flawless - but with the sizes he proposes, I have to go with Versace! What I love about this quote is the aspiration... and the inspiration. It is a bit like the saying "Fake it till you make it!" but...

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