Artikel mit dem Tag "Friendships"

Reflections · 10. April 2023
Ich habe neulich ein Interview von Kit Harrington wieder angehört, als er noch den "Lord Commander" gespielt hatte. Es ging um ein Season Finale, bei dem es unsicher war, ob er überleben würde und also in die neue Staffel kommen würde oder nicht. Der Punkt war, dass als Folge auch alle Personen um ihn herum nicht mehr in die Serie spielen würden. Manchmal fühle ich mich auch im echten Leben so. Wie oft, beenden wir Beziehungen mit Menschen und "als Folge" sehen wir auch die Leute um...
Lifestyle · 29. August 2020
I remember how they called us in high school: "inseparables". These were the people that as L. and me for years had always been next to each other. Well, that was high school - I do not know if some of the inseparables still are - maybe some... - but mostly, we chose different colleges and places to live, so... Once I have read that if a friendship lasts at least 7 years, then it is determined to last forever! And for my experience it is true! The friendship with L. for instance still is there!...
Lifestyle · 25. Oktober 2019
What is being under friends like? If your friends are like mine, then it is like you have your family around. With my besties - let's specificy that I have known some of them for 15 years - we call ourself sisters! I know that this may sound exaggerated. Maybe it also is. But especially with the one or the other, the bond we have is really great. They know me. It is knowing the other person without judging because you actually know the person and her character so well that you can't judge, you...
Reflections · 08. Februar 2019
"A friendship is either for a reason, for a season or for a lifetime!" A few months ago one of my favorite Youtubers, Lydia Elise Millen, brought up this quote from her friend Carrie and since then I have been having this quote in my notes. I have also talked with a friend of mine about it and we came to the point that although it might seem a harsh sentence to say, it is true! And possibly also without any kind of judgement. It seems obvious that the most beautiful type of friendship is the...
Reflections · 08. Dezember 2018
Last year on this week I presented my bachelor's thesis with the title "Connecting through Emotions". The topic was about emotions and branding and how brands trigger people's emotions to install a bond between them and the actual product. It was a very interesting issue which showed that emotions are the responsible ones for genuine and deep connections. Connections. Being connected, linked to each other. What does this mean and how does this happen? I hazard to say that there are different...