Artikel mit dem Tag "Future"

Lifestyle · 31. Dezember 2023
Another year is passing by... or, well, till tonight it will have passed by. I hope, you all had a great year, full of joy, nice moments to which you will look back. Every year, every day is made of more or less beautiful experiences, tough times which require you to be strong. Maybe you may have done some "mistakes" which led you where you are today. Maybe you have to thank those mistakes for where you are today! My year - as probably most of yours, too - has been a rollercoaster, I would say....
Lifestyle · 04. Februar 2023
How often do you ask yourself what you want, what you really desire? I realised that although I knew it, I made not entirely right assumptions. A few weeks ago during a dinner, my friend M. asked me why I had chosen to enter the corporate world, what were my reasons and also objectives behind it. I answered open-heartedly and as soon as I had spoken, she asked me if these points I aspire to, were not possible also with another job. Do you know what? Of course, they are! So, why have I entered...