Artikel mit dem Tag "Goals"

Motivation · 01. Januar 2022
I hope, you have all passed a wonderful New Year's Eve! An evening full of joy, of happiness, with your beloved ones... I hope that you had fun and danced and laughed and drank till in the morning! And I hope that these kind of moments, I have displayed, may follow us all in every day of the new year! We may not know what the coming year will bring us but what we know is what we can bring for the coming year - our objectives and resolutions! Because, you know... I am sure: together, with...
Lifestyle · 28. August 2021
Do you remember the song "I want it all" from High School Musical 3? Well, it happens that I am the one who wants it all! I was around 12 when then movie first came out, maybe it affected my character a bit or apart from that it is simply my ambitious Leo personality! I am not someone who settles down for nothing. Of course, I compromise from time to time, although only if and when I see a longterm profit for my goals. E.g. I could not expect to become a manager right after ending business...
Motivation · 10. November 2018
What does it mean to be consistent? For me, it firstly means to have clear in mind what you want to reach out and try to be specific. I can be consistent in my goals by pursuing different ways as many ways can lead to the same result. For instance, think about something as banal as losing weight: some people eat less, some people burn more calories and some other people fall back to cosmetic surgery. The point is that in every of those scenarios the acting person knew for sure what she wanted....