Artikel mit dem Tag "Good Faith"

Reflections · 27. Juli 2019
"[He] believed in the green light. The orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluted us then but that's no matter; tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms further and one fine morning... So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." Some of you will instantly recognise this excerpt, for others it would be clearer if I had wrote the lyrics of "Young and Beautiful". Ahh, you see?! Now you also recognise that it is from Gatsby. From...
Reflections · 04. April 2019
In my life, I have heard many and many times that facts matter in the end and yes, with this essay I am not dissenting to the claim above but I explain why I think that facts are not the only important ones. Actually, this is not only an idea of mine. Also the legislation recognises that intentions matter after all. How? Think of a death case for example. It makes a difference for the "murderer", if he really thought about murder the victim or if the incident happened accidentally or if it was...