Artikel mit dem Tag "Gratitude"

Reflections · 02. Juli 2022
I have just finished to read a poem from an Italian poet. It is called "At this hour of the evening from this point in the world", but from my point of view it would be more appropriate to call it "To give thanks I wish"... because it tells she thanks for all the wonderful things in life. Well, I would be repetitive if I told you that I am thankful for my beloved ones - which I really am. They are so important to me! But... in the end, it is like this. With all the little things as listening to...
Lifestyle · 25. November 2021
Happy Thanksgiving, meine Lieben! Ja, ich weiß... Thanksgiving war am Donnerstag, aber für mich ist heute Donnerstag. Heute Morgen habe ich verschiedenen Leuten "Happy Thanksgiving" gewünscht und irgendwann wurde ich gefragt, ob Thanksgiving groß feiern würde. Feiere ich das groß? Ja, gut… feiern nicht, aber das ist für mich doch ein wichtiges Fest! Gehen wir zurück in der Zeit: Wie Ihr viiiielleicht wissen könntet, war/bin ich ein GROSSER Gossip Girl-Fan! Nun… Diese Serie hatte...
Lifestyle · 26. Juni 2021
Kennt Ihr das, wenn Ihr nicht zuhause seid, Ihr Euch aber wie zuhause fühlt? Es ist ein wunderschönes Gefühl! Meistens sind es die Personen, um mich herum, die mich so fühlen lassen und wofür ich so extrem dankbar bin... Wobei vor zwei Wochen an P.s Hochzeit hat sich die Location auch sooo vertraut angefühlt. Wir waren in Italien, am Tag danach in the countryside, in einer wunderschönen Villa mit ganz vielen Leuten unterschiedlichen Alters. Wir hatten Barbecue draußen, die Jungs haben...
Reflections · 11. April 2020
I know that to some people this may sound disrespectful but I think that this particular time in history is here to teach us something and most of all to show us to be more grateful for Everyday life (not only Coldplay's song) and for all the things we give for granted everyday. How can one be grateful for something which is taking liberty away from us? How to be grateful for something which has taken and continues to take away lives from us? How to be grateful for something which is maybe...
Reflections · 29. September 2018
A few days ago, I was with my friend and we were stumbling through her Instagram feed. Suddenly, she began to laugh so hard! The reason? There was post which said: "There is a difference between wanting and needing something - I want a sixpack, but I need a pizza!" Well, it is true! Wanting and needing do not always coincide and this may be sad for someone but perhaps it should not! I think that the approach with wanting something is the matter here. Maybe also how much we actually want that...
Reflections · 08. September 2018
Selbstverständlich ist es schön, in den Urlaub zu fahren und Neues zu sehen und wie ich schon erzählt habe, habe ich die Zeit mit meinen Freundinnen soooo genossen!!! Dennoch freue ich mich auch, wieder zurück zu sein! Wahrscheinlich ist es die Routine, die ich gebraucht habe: bekannte Räumlichkeiten, in meinem Bett aufzuwachen, gewohntes Essen wieder zu essen, mildere Temperaturen und alles drum und dran! Glücklicherweise habe ich keine zu große Probleme bezüglich Kleidung gehabt -...
Lifestyle · 31. August 2018
It's been two weeks since my vacation started. One of these, I spent it in Malta seeing and experiencing new things. And sure, it was great! But I am the kind of person who lives her best life surrounded by the company of the beloved ones! I have lived for two years in Sicily at the times of elementary school and luckily, I still have my friends here. Can you imagine such a friendship? We spent two years actually together and since then almost every summer. These are real friendships! Now they...
Lifestyle · 18. August 2018
Getting up at 2 o'clock? A flight is waiting for me! Stress? Kind of if I'm sincere but I was so excited to fly to Sicily! Vacation is coming!!! Well... maybe it was a bit too early but at 8 in the morning we already were at the airport of Catania, in order to enjoy the whole first day! Coming out of the airport, the first thing you see is one of Europe's still blowing out volcanos. Look at that!
Lifestyle · 28. Juli 2018
As you can guess from the title, this week i became 22 years old... and looking at the picture one could tell that I'm pretty happy! It was a lovely night! I'm a bit of a egocentric person and being cherished is always beautiful! It wasn't anything too big. When it comes to birthdays, I like it to keep it simple and having my people around me just for the pleasure of being there. And so it was. Some of my friends came for dinner and we stayed up chatting and having fun. Why only some of them?...