Artikel mit dem Tag "Growth"

Reflections · 21. Oktober 2023
Everybody grows, everybody has different experiences, lives different stories and of course these change you - at least on a superficial way… You see, I would say that yes, I am not the same person as the one who I was five years ago. I am more considerate. I do not rush into impulsiveness as I used to. Also, I do not let emotions overwhelm me… at least, I would say so. Am I proud of that? Do I do that on purpose? No and no. I have always seen myself as an open person, open-minded and...
Lifestyle · 01. Juli 2023
How do you think that people grow? I have been faced with this issue a lot recently and what I can conclude is that personal growth surely comes from your experiences but maybe even more from your responsibilities. I am (still) 26 years old. Most people would address me as an adult which I actually am on paper. But am I really an adult? Do I feel like one? This I am not completely sure of. My parents e.g. had me when they respectively were 22 and 24 years old after being married for 2 years,...
Lifestyle · 10. Juli 2022
Heute hat eine ganz besondere Person in meinem Leben Geburtstag, meine Mama. Für mich ist sie immer, wie eine Art beste Freundin gewesen und sicherlich ein Vorbild in meiner Erziehung und heute noch in meinem Verhalten! Ob ich andere Vorbilder hatte? Natürlich! Ein anderes ist Z., meine Miss Independent... ja, Ihr wisst schon, Ne-Yos Lied. Ich war 13 Jahre alt, als das Lied veröffentlicht wurde und immer wenn ich es hörte, hatte ich sie vor Augen - ich wollte auch eine Miss Independent sein...
Lifestyle · 30. Januar 2021
Ask my family and friends and they will say you that sometimes I say things like: "Of, course, I am right! Did you have any doubts?" When I state my opinion, I usually am really convinced of what I am saying - I mean, I started my blog writing about my opinions and beliefs, this could give you an hint on my personality... Either way, there may be times when I am wrong... Maybe I do not know the whole story, maybe I am focused only on one perspective? When discussing with one of my best friends...