Artikel mit dem Tag "Holiday"

Lifestyle · 07. September 2024
I know, what you might have thought: "Only six blog posts and she is away again..." not for good! I just enjoyed my summer vacation - actually pretty all August - to the fullest with little pc time and lots of new experiences - and these I want to tell about today! It was very much a staycation as I did not book a hotel or anything to stay in but still, I was away pretty much 90% of the time and either way, it was a veeeery cool vacation. Why? Because my body released a lot of dopamine! But...
Lifestyle · 17. August 2019
Wednesday - 06:34 am - departure from Basel. Arrival at the Hotel Sina Villa Medici at 02:40 pm after having passed about an hour in the library "La Feltrinelli" in the main station, S. Maria Novella, of Florence. Now we have a city to explore... but first check-in and get a shower... or a bit sleep (?). Ok, let's be honest. I first took a nap. But now we really have a city to explore. Got changed: high heels and jumpsuit - Jumpsuit top; (new) high heels not that much. My feet were soooo...
Lifestyle · 27. Oktober 2018
You know what? I could have posted this last week but I had to write this column in English, so I postponed it to today. For me it is extremely important that the people to whom this blogpost is referred to are able to read it, too. So... let's begin. As for every vacation, one feels excitement preparing herself for the journey, then one feels joy living the most beautiful moments and finally he remembers the newly created memories with a smile on the face. As said yet, this typically happens...
Lifestyle · 31. August 2018
It's been two weeks since my vacation started. One of these, I spent it in Malta seeing and experiencing new things. And sure, it was great! But I am the kind of person who lives her best life surrounded by the company of the beloved ones! I have lived for two years in Sicily at the times of elementary school and luckily, I still have my friends here. Can you imagine such a friendship? We spent two years actually together and since then almost every summer. These are real friendships! Now they...
Lifestyle · 25. August 2018
Am Dienstag habe ich mit meiner Familie von Sizilien aus, einen Katamaran genommen und in anderthalb Stunden sind wir dann in Malta gelandet! Wir werden bis nächsten Dienstag hier bleiben, aber ein paar Einblicke in dieser Insel kann ich ja jetzt schon mit euch teilen! Fangen wir mit der Sprache an: Ich dachte, man würde hier Englisch reden. Ja, das dachte ich... Ich will jetzt nicht sagen, dass es kein Englisch ist, aber ich persönlich verstehe die Leute nicht so gut. Als ich heute...