Artikel mit dem Tag "Inspiration"

Motivation · 15. April 2023
Distraction leads to inspiration
In the last week, I had discussions with two persons of different ages, different sexes, different positions..., either way, the topic was the same: both were demotivated, with a bad attitude and bad mood - in a word, they were uninspired. It would have not been true to say that I did not know how they felt but fortunately, I could tell them what my ways are to overcome such moments. There are many strategies that I use but they all come down to one term - distraction! May it be music - not...
Lifestyle · 10. Juli 2022
Heute hat eine ganz besondere Person in meinem Leben Geburtstag, meine Mama. Für mich ist sie immer, wie eine Art beste Freundin gewesen und sicherlich ein Vorbild in meiner Erziehung und heute noch in meinem Verhalten! Ob ich andere Vorbilder hatte? Natürlich! Ein anderes ist Z., meine Miss Independent... ja, Ihr wisst schon, Ne-Yos Lied. Ich war 13 Jahre alt, als das Lied veröffentlicht wurde und immer wenn ich es hörte, hatte ich sie vor Augen - ich wollte auch eine Miss Independent sein...
Motivation · 12. Juni 2021
I know, it might be an intimate question, but what did you aspire to do as a kid or teen? Who did you aspire to be like? For me there was a song - which I will not tell you as my music is only mine - which I identified with Z. ... and actually I ended up wanting to be as I saw her. Another IDOL, in the truest sense of the word for a 12 years old, was Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl. As F. would say: "We dreamt of a life as in Gossip Girl."... well, maybe without all the mischievous drama... But...
Motivation · 20. Juli 2019
In den letzten Wochen wurde ich öfter gefragt, wie ich die Inspiration finde. So sehr, dass sogar unser lieber Andrey letzte Woche einen Blogpost geschrieben hat, um zu sehen, wie es sich anfühlt. Das war übrigens das erste Mal, das ich meinen Blog an jemand anderen übergeben habe... und das war in gewissem Sinne auch für mich eine Herausforderung. Warum? Naja, weil es ja mein Blog ist! Es ist schon etwas sehr Persönliches und es einfach so blind zu übergeben, erfordert schon ein...
Reflections · 03. Mai 2019
Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well! Can you see the photograph down here? It is a nice one, don't you think? Now I am going to tell you something about it...
Fashion · 13. Februar 2019
The people who know me and who maybe follow me on Instagram will know. I am a BIG fashion lover! I have grown up with the real passion for fashion as the slogan for the Bratz professed. By the way, I had Yasmin and Jade! The question which someone asked is how is it possible that such a fashion obsessed who additionally has started a blog, writes so little about fashion. The question is completely legit! You know, have you ever searched for a certain topic on Youtube? Let's say "The Must-Have...
Motivation · 24. November 2018
The real inspiration for this post came up this morning, when on LinkedIn I read a quote from the businessman Richard Branson. He once said: "If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you're not sure you can do it, say yes - then learn how to do it later." Easily said, he advise us to take the chance right away. Personally, I think that nobody likes having regrets. For me having regrets means not only feeling sad for something that you have done wrong, but moreover feeling sad for...
Motivation · 10. November 2018
What does it mean to be consistent? For me, it firstly means to have clear in mind what you want to reach out and try to be specific. I can be consistent in my goals by pursuing different ways as many ways can lead to the same result. For instance, think about something as banal as losing weight: some people eat less, some people burn more calories and some other people fall back to cosmetic surgery. The point is that in every of those scenarios the acting person knew for sure what she wanted....
Lifestyle · 10. Oktober 2018
Have you ever heard this quote? I bet, you have! My Mom used to say this to me back in times. Why? To teach me to present myself always at my best. "You never know, maybe today is the day a woman has a date with destiny. It's best to be as pretty as possible for destiny." This famous quote is by Coco Chanel, a great symbol of elegance and timeless style. The point is that you really never know what can happen on a day and who one can get to know. On the other hand, what does it mean to be...
Reflections · 15. September 2018
What is a talent? It is an inborn skill. The dictonary says a talent is "a special natural ability or aptitude". But you can also say that you cultivate a talent. Would this mean that you can annect a competence by training? Well, I think that this can work - at least sometimes. Let's talk a bit about music. Everybody has her own vocality. But if you continue stressing out your voice and do nothing at all to improve it, it will get worse. Otherwise if you insistently take singing lessons, you...

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