Artikel mit dem Tag "Lifetime"

Lifestyle · 14. August 2021
Today is another day in which I want to switch language. Why? Because I wanna talk to you about my flamingos! My flamingo girls!
Reflections · 04. April 2020
Ich glaube sehr, wirklich sehr an zweite Chancen. Ich glaube daran, dass man seine Meinung ändern kann... Und ich hoffe immer, dass wir die Zeit haben, um Sachen falsch zu machen, aber sie dann auch wieder richtig hinbiegen zu können! Ich weiß, was ihr denkt: " Warum sollten wir nicht beim ersten Versuch alles richtig machen? Wäre das nicht das, worauf wir abzielen sollten?!" - Ja - abzielen schon! Aber seien wir mal ehrlich; wir sind auch nur menschlich! Wir machen Fehler. Wir sind nicht...
Motivation · 15. Februar 2020
"Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion, too Imagine all the people Living life in peace" - John Lennon Imagine - it's easy if you try, he said! But is it really? As kids we used to have the most incredible fantasy: we jumped on the sofas having burning floors, we were Captian Hook playing with a hanger, we imagined we were older using Mom's make-up and liming on her high heels; who remembers? Why am I writing about imagination? Well, this...
Reflections · 08. Februar 2019
"A friendship is either for a reason, for a season or for a lifetime!" A few months ago one of my favorite Youtubers, Lydia Elise Millen, brought up this quote from her friend Carrie and since then I have been having this quote in my notes. I have also talked with a friend of mine about it and we came to the point that although it might seem a harsh sentence to say, it is true! And possibly also without any kind of judgement. It seems obvious that the most beautiful type of friendship is the...