Artikel mit dem Tag "Lists"

Lifestyle · 10. April 2021
I ask for a friend: Who of you has seen (and understood) the Wachowskis' movie "Matrix" raise his hand! Until last week I had never seen any of the Matrix trilogy film. I have to say that I watched the first and think that I understood it but the second one, left me a bit unsatisfied... And everyone with whom I have talked in the last few days says that he or she did not understand the movies... so yes... actually the first question was for me, not a friend! I still have faith that watching...
Motivation · 20. Juni 2020
My first blogpost was posted two years ago. On 6/23 2018. Things have changed since then. I went from not being even graduated, to get my bachelor's degree, to be on job hunt, to be in my current internship and now...? Things evolve. Of course, this was only a part of my life in the last two years. I started my blog as my project. A place for me to reflect, to motivate, to inspire even myself! I truly think that it was cathartic for me and hope that it was also helpful or at least interesting...