Artikel mit dem Tag "Love"

Reflections · 26. Februar 2020
Have you ever broken a vase? What have you done with the shards? In Italy, there is this custom which tells to keep all your (ceramic) shards together and to throw them away on New Year's Eve and that that should bring you luck. But well... the day after you have broken your vase, you'll probably need one... soooo let's go for a hunt and let's buy a new vase. This is how Italians - or maybe most of Western and consumerist countries - deal with breaks. But have you ever come across the term...
Reflections · 22. März 2019
Do you know this feeling? ...when you are proud of someone? What does this really mean? What is behind such a statement? Firstly, I want to say having someone who says to you "I am proud of you!" is probably one of the most beautiful sentences, a person can say to another. To me, it gives me a feeling of acceptance which is lovely! And yes, you might say "You have to be proud of yourself in the first moment..." and I can agree but having somebody who tells you that he or she is proud of you, it...
Reflections · 05. Januar 2019
Unter Perfektion aus dem Lateinischen "perfectio - Vollkommenheit"* versteht man die höchste Vollendung und Brillanz**. Was perfekt ist, ist also intakt und einwandfrei. Von Menschen wird allerdings gesagt, dass sie Fehler machen: "Errare humanum est", sagte der Römer. Ja, haben wir dann unsere Antwort? Heißt es, dass Menschen nicht perfekt sein können? Absolute Perfektion kann es meiner Meinung nach nicht wirklich geben, weil ich glaube, dass man sich ständig verbessern und übertreffen...